The aids pandemic is at varying stages throughout the world 爱滋病在世界各地有不同的发展。
Botswana like other countries has been affected by the aids pandemic 与其它国家一样,博茨瓦纳也是艾滋病的发病区。
Finally , the exploding hiv / aids pandemic in africa competes for precious health dollars and discourages the use of blood transfusions for severe malarial anemia 最后,非洲全面爆发的爱滋病大流行,也使宝贵的公卫经费受到排挤,并让因严重疟疾而贫血的患者不敢输血。
The aids pandemic has claimed more than 25 million lives , the majority of them in the developing world , and has exacerbated poverty and slowed human development 艾滋已经夺取了超过25 , 000 , 000条生命,主要病发地? ?发展中国家因此而蒙受了巨大的损失:贫困恶化,人口发展减慢。
The goals include cutting extreme poverty by half , ensuring universal primary school education , reducing child mortality by two - thirds , starting to reverse the hiv / aids pandemic and halving the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water 该项目目标是将极贫困数量减半,确保全球初级教育,将婴幼儿死亡率削减2 / 3 ,扭转hiv / aids现状以及使无法得到安全饮用水的人口数量降至原来的1 / 2 。
Providing aids drugs is a great step forward , but the industrialized countries will fail in addressing the full dimensions of the aids pandemic if they do not help africa build a stronger corps of trained health workers 提供非洲国家爱滋病的药物是很大的一项成就,但是除此之外,如果已开发国家不能够帮助非洲国家建立健全的医疗体系,并留住受过良好训练的医护人员,爱滋病的问题就没有办法被全面的解决。